Manifest Campus Ministry At Asokore Training College 2023

 Three days week of spiritual emphasis was organised for the students, where majority were from the senior high school. Total baptized students was 100, where 96 were senior high school students and 4 college students). Steps to Christ, mysterious answers to prayer and health book were shared to all students present for the programme. The total literature shared was 1,020 materials.

100 bibles was shared to the baptized members

Report on Campus Ministry At KNUST, From 16th - 18th June 2023

In conjunction with the executives at KNUST GNAAS, we had a successful programme. We had almost a full component off the team representing – eleven out of twelve, with supporting members of the fraternity – three. We had two of our patrons being present at the event, accordingly Elder Tweneboah Kodua, and Elder David Oppong Mensah.

Friday evening vesper service had The Manifest ministering in music and prayer session. This was led by the president of the group, Mr Barnabas Bidiabah. The singers led in all music ministrations of the session and had prayers being led by members of the team and fraternity.  The programme lasted for two hours. The congregation present numbered 417.

Report on Campus Ministry At UEW, Ajumako Campus From 1st To 4th March 2023

University of Education, Ajumako Campus is a hub for language studies. The university serves the country with translators, writers, and teachers of the Ghanaian Languages and some foreign languages. The Manifest chose this venue for the first campus ministry to assist the Adventists in the university to worship in truth and fellowship, and to empower them for the task ahead. The Four-Day event was held at the UEW Ajumako Assembly Hall. For the first three days (1st to 3rd) the sessions were in the evening, 6pm – 7:30pm each night.

With assistance of the fellowship pastor, Pastor Nicholas Obeng, we were welcomed to the campus and to the GNAAS fellowship. The music team in the fellowship that supported our time with the university were the Seraphs and the choir. The period of time with them had revival, sabbath worship, music ministry, and empowerment of the fellowship members and the university body as a whole. After the sabbath worship, an altar call was made, in line with the revival that was held from the 1st of March to the 3rd of March. Fifteen Adventists came up to reinvent their covenant with God. One Non-Adventist stood for baptism. Bibles were given by the fellowship to all visitors and some fellowship members.

Report on Campus Ministry At GNASS Congress, UEW, Winneba 2022

This year’s Ghana National Association of Adventist Students (GNAAS) Congress ended on November 20, 2022. We had the privilege of ministering to the participants as part of our Public Campus Ministries (PCM).
GNAAS National having played a significant role in our 20 years of existence, we presented to the association a citation which was received by Chaplain Nana Kofi Nimako.

Report on Campus Ministry At Asokore Training College 10th - 14th October 2020

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